Focusing on the health and well-being of all segments of society, Track 1 will explore different approaches to advancing urban health, and equity, and socio-spatial justice through place-based and socio-spatial planning.  The Track will look at planning and design focusing on community well-being, such as slow and local food, preventive health and behaviour; and the impact of the physical environment on physical and mental health, such as the 15' city, 45' city regions, housing as the building block of living, and quality public spaces. The Track will explore inclusive planning to meet the needs of diverse populations over the lifespan -including children, women, people with disabilities, aging citizens, immigrants, and refugees- to achieve the well-being of societies.

Join Us to Explore:

  • People-centric Planning and Design: Social, political, and spatial dimensions of inequality and approaches to overcome them; empowerment of vulnerable and marginalized groups; child and women-friendly cities; promotion of bottom-up approaches, citizen engagement, and co-creation.
  • Urban Safety and Universal Accessibility: Improving the safety of urban spaces, and reducing communal clashes in cities; planning for just, equitable and inclusive environments, and 24/7 cities; access for all to leisure, social services. 
  • Public Spaces: A framework for creating a healthy public realm; holistic approaches for green and blue infrastructure, quality public spaces, community streets, and parks; local food production, social life, and recreational facilities; post-covid urban transitions; placemaking as a tool to address physical and mental health.
  • Heritage, Culture, and Health: Socio-economic and cultural influences on cities and planning; the impact of cultural ideas, perceptions, customs, and behaviours; religion and spiritual beliefs; and practices in cultural heritage in shaping a healthy city structure.
  • Sustainable Urban Mobility: Sustainable modes of transportation to promote healthy living; complete streets prioritizing pedestrian movement; walkable and transit-rich cities and regions;
  • Healthy Neighbourhood and Housing: Mainstreaming climate resilience in housing; creating complete neighborhoods, net-zero neighborhood planning, and design; health policies for sustainable environments.
  • Digital Well-being: Impact of information and communication technology, real-time data monitoring, smart cities, artificial intelligence, generative design principles, and the mitigation of health impacts of digital learning and working.

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