Registration Fees

Registration is now open and the overview of registration fees is provided below. The fee categories are classified into two groups: (A) For ISOCARP members or (B) For all other participants who are NOT members of ISOCARP.

Please note full-time students required to submit proof of status and participants FROM and RESIDING in low- and lower middle-income countries should provide proof of residence to ISOCARP Secretariat at

Please note if you need an INVOICE prior to payment for your organisation/institution, you need to provide us with the following information: who will be the person/organisation paying, how many tickets are to be purchased, the names of the attendees and the type of ticket for each of them. Please email your request here:

(1) Fee for the in-person Congress in Brussels, Belgium including full access to all events and sessions, cycle and walkshops, workshops/ site visits, daily lunches and coffee breaks, welcome reception, and walking dinner (exception 4).

(2) Available to full-time students enrolled in a college or university, born in or after 1992. Proof of status required to finalise registration (

(3) Available for participants FROM and RESIDING in low- and lower middle-income countries only. Kindly check if your country is on this list based on the World Bank country classifications by income level. Proof of residence required to finalise registration (

(4) Access to social events, welcome reception and walking dinner. No congress entry.

(5) Available for participants who can not attend the in-person Congress in Brussels, Belgium and will attend the Pre-Congress (virtual only).

(6) For those who registered for the "Pre-Congress virtual only" category, a supplementary fee needs to be paid should you eventually decide to attend the in-person meetings in Belgium.

If your organisation is an active ISOCARP Institutional Member, it is entitled to a number of Congress Registrations for one or more participants, according to the Membership category selected (Platinum, Gold, Silver)- please see here: To gain access to those Registrations, please contact the Secretariat and ask for your Institutional Waiver Codes (). Please provide the exact names of the designated participants who will be using your Institutional Membership registration. After we provide the Waiver codes, they can be used during the normal registration process through our website.

We strongly encourage you to apply for ISOCARP Membership or to renew you membership before registering for the 58th World Planning Congress and become part of our community of Planners!


Countries eligible for the reduced fees


Afghanistan   Burkina Faso   Burundi   Central African Republic   Chad   Congo, Dem. Rep.   Eritrea   Ethiopia   Gambia, The   Guinea   Guinea-Bissau   Korea, Dem. People's Rep.   Liberia   Madagascar   Malawi   Mali   Mozambique   Niger   Rwanda   Sierra Leone   Somalia   South Sudan   Sudan   Syrian Arab Republic   Togo   Uganda   Yemen, Rep.   Zambia


Algeria    Angola    Bangladesh    Benin    Bhutan    Bolivia    Cabo Verde    Cambodia    Cameroon    Comoros    Congo, Rep.    Cote D'ivoire    Djibouti    Egypt, Arab Rep.    El Salvador    Eswatini    Ghana    Haiti    Honduras    India    Indonesia    Iran, Islamic Rep.    Kenya    Kiribati    Kyrgyz Republic    Lao Pdr    Lebanon    Lesotho    Mauritania    Micronesia, Fed. Sts.    Mongolia    Morocco    Myanmar    Nepal    Nicaragua    Nigeria    Pakistan    Papua New Guinea    Philippines    Samoa    Sao Tome and Principe    Senegal    Solomon Islands    Sri Lanka    Tajikistan    Tanzania    Timor-Leste    Tunisia    Ukraine    Uzbekistan    Vanuatu    Vietnam    West Bank and Gaza    Zimbabwe

*The list above is based on the World Bank country classifications by income level for low- and lower middle-income countries.

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